Interview: Kaity Neagle

Race and Interracial Dating

Comedian Kaity Neagle can be found performing her hilarious stand-up routine at clubs in New York, working in customer service, and watching the Food Network.  She discusses her theatre background, target audience, and more with BanterGirl!

Before you were a comedian, what did your life look like?

In college, I majored in Theatre Directing—and minored in Poetry, very practical. I was working non-profit in a non-creative way and trying to direct, but most plays are not Hamilton. Most plays are just middle-class white nonsense. And they definitely didn't want 21-year-old me directing. I started trying to write, but wanted to do something more active, and that's how I ended up in comedy. Before comedy, my life was definitely more "behind-the-scenes." Also, I had spent so much time at an art school and in theatre that I had barely met a straight man before comedy. Now, there are so many that I can't even tell them apart!

What is your favorite thing about having a career in comedy?

So many things! I love connecting with people over weird stuff. I'm not sure what it is, but there's always one woman in the audience who doesn't want to be at the show, some guy or friend dragged her there, and to be honest she's probably a little drunk, and that woman ends up loving me. She is my target audience. In my mind, her name is always Amber.

What is the worst day job you have ever had?

There are so many to choose from. I've done a lot of customer service, which can be bad, but is usually hilarious. My worst job was cashiering at a 24 hour CVS. I nicknamed it Skee-VS and quit mid-shift on my second day. So, maybe it's not the job, maybe it's me that was the worst.  

You're engaged to be married! What kind of wedding are you planning on having?

This is a great question! Honestly, I keep saying that I don't want one of those twee-hipster-weddings, but every time I see a mason jar centerpiece, I swoon. Not to be a cheeseball, but I'm a pretty lucky lady to be with my guy. As long as the wedding is filled with things we both like, I know it'll be a good time. We also both like cheeseballs, so maybe that'll be a thing.   

What is one of the most hilarious things that has ever happened in your life?

I spent a summer working at a theatre in Vermont where Christopher Lloyd from Back to the Future was doing a show. I had to pick him up at the Boston airport in the company minivan and drive him back alone for three hours. He sprawled out on the backseat, and I desperately tried not to hit 88 mph. We did not speak.

If you could go back 15 years and give yourself one piece of advice about how to live your life, what would it be?

I would tell myself to chill the “f” out. And probably to start antidepressants much earlier.

What is your biggest wish for your life in 2017?

Honestly? Food Network just started a show called Bakers vs. Fakers where they pit amateur bakers against professionals, and you don't know who's the pro until the end. My goal is to be on that show. I make really good cookies.


Kaity Neagle


Twitter: @kaityisalady


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