The CastAndLoose Weekly Round-Up 2
FEBRUARY 4, 2017 – FEBRUARY 10, 2017 is a collection of the worst (real) casting breakdowns the internet has to offer, curated by me, actor and writer Lynne Marie Rosenberg. Join me each week for the highlights of the entertainment industry.
This week, the world of beauty products presented us with a world of diversity…
[ CAT 1 ] Female models, 18 to 25 years - blondes, beautiful, perfect face.
[ CAT 2 ] Female models, 18 to 25 years - brunettes, beautiful, perfect face.
[ CAT 3 ] Female models, 25 to 30 years -blondes, beautiful, perfect face.
[ CAT 4 ] Female models, 25 to 30 years -brunettes, beautiful, perfect face.
[ CAT 5 ] Female models, 30 to 35 years - blondes, beautiful, perfect face.
[ CAT 6 ] Female models, 30 to 35 years - brunettes, beautiful, perfect face.
[ CAT 7 ] Female models, 35 to 45 years - blondes, beautiful, perfect face.
[ CAT 8 ] Female models, 35 to 45 years - brunettes, beautiful, perfect face.
…While FashionLand finally explained that pesky link between height and Denim:
[ FEMALE MODEL/ACTOR WITH BRIGHT EYES ] … Preferably over 5’7 as we are shooting t-shirts and jeans.
And everyone knows women under 5’7 only wear caftans and muumuus.
In student films we discovered cancer is now a character trait:
[ JADE ]
– cancer, 27
– stubborn, fun-loving, wears a mask
– very warm
And in the realm of short films, this munificence was extended to us round folk:
[ CUCA LOPEZ ] Female, 40-55. She can have a strange haircut, green or light eyes, something that makes her looks stand out as a “different” Her face is whimsical, she can even be round.
Will wonders never cease!?!
But the winner of this Weekly Round-Up goes to an internet mini-series for this affront to feminism:
[ WEATHER GIRL HOPEFUL ] 19-28, any ethnicity, ladies who are interviewing for the weather girl position at an off-the-wall news program. The applicants for the position are all “party girls” who are willing to do whatever it takes to get the job– including some peculiar (and inappropriate) physical tests at the request of the station’s sexist owner. No nudity, but these girls don’t mind “pulling out all the stops” to get the job!
And I don’t mind pulling out all the stops to fight the existence of misogynist, objectifying projects like this. Till the day I fucking die.
Nevertheless, she persisted. Until next week!